Young people are changing every day, every moment. Along with this, so are intimate relationships and young people’s ideas on sexual and reproductive health and gender. On the other hand issues of sex and sexuality are still wrapped and covered in silence.
There is hardly any conversation on these issues in families or homes. According to a research on a popular news channel, not even one third of Indian families discuss these matters with their children. There is a huge dearth of reliable information on these issues which forces young people to resort to half baked, sensationalized information on the internet and films. This can gravely impact their behavior as well as force them into making decisions which may have consequences on their health and life choices. What then are reliable sources of information and where are they available?
Janam Suna Karo is an initiative which talks about issues of sexual reproductive health and gender via radio, internet radio and training of community radio initiatives. The objective is to discuss and raise these matters in public spaces and present them in a youth friendly format which is open, tongue in cheek and yet informative and in a non sensationalized manner

CMAC has already taken its first steps in this direction. A series of thirteen, 2 minute capsules have been produced, on a range of issues such as menstruation, contraception, health and hygiene to name a few and aired by a well established community based radio program.
To get more information and to work on partnerships to take this work further. Write to us at