Parthiv Shah, from CMAC, was invited to join a delegation of prominent Indian photographers to visit Israel (from the 17th to the 22nd of December, 2017), under the auspices of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to tour Jerusalem and take pictures of the city. The photographs were then showcased in the exhibition...
Transcending Jerusalem: JLM through Indian Lenses – Exhibition

Women On Record: Conflictorium Exhibition

The Word is Sacred: Sacred is the Word – Exhibition

Culturally Speaking: Exhibition Panels

Manush: Paintings

Exhibition: SAHMAT-Peace and Conflict

Journey Towards Freedom: Celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Visit to India (1959)
CMAC was invited to design & curate the exhibition Journey Towards Freedom celebrating 50 years to first and only visit of Martin Luther King Jr. to India. Mohandas K. Gandhi, known to the world as the Mahatma or ‘Great Soul’, brought a great gift to the modern world. That gift was the light of...
Framing Obama
CMAC was invited by American Embassy to design an exhibition on the eve of visit of president Barack Obama. The exhibition was mounted at the American Center, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, from November 1st till November 30. Curated by photographer, filmmaker and graphic designer Parthiv Shah, the exhibition, titled U. S. President Barack Obama showed the various sides...
Framing Obama
